Weaverville Fire Protection District

Regular Meeting –Tuesday November 5, 2013

4:00 p.m. - 125 Bremer Street, Weaverville, California


George Owen, Chairman                                                                                  Bill Britton, Commissioner

Dee Potter, Vice-Chairman                                                                       Mike Williams, Commissioner 

                                                                                                     Larry Helsley, Commissioner           


I.                CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, George Owen at 16:00.  Members present: George Owen, Mike Williams, Larry Helsley, Bill Britton, and Dee Potter.  Members absent: None.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Ernie Curran, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.


II.              CONSENT AGENDA: All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the board and will be enacted by one vote.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes October 1, 2013 –

B.     Approve Minutes of the Special Meeting October 29, 2013-

C.    Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the consent agenda as presented.   


III.            CLOSED SESSION: (Section 54957.b) Entered into closed session at 16:09

A.  Personnel-Employment six month review, terms of employment and Medical Benefits: Clerk, Lisa Guglielmina               

B.   Personnel – Medical Benefits: Chief, Scott Alvord                    


IV.            REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: Report from closed session at 16:28 – Chairman, George Owen reported


V.              ACTION ITEMS:

A.  Consider/Adopt -Resolution #13-01, Approving the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Agreement #7FG13100 (for VFA 50/50 grant for 10 sets of Wildland Gear and 2 TK-790 Radios) – We were awarded the grant for the 10 sets of wildland gear and two radios.  Discussion on payments and procedures.

MSC: Britton/Potter to Adopt Resolution #13-01 as presented. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-5, Noes- 0, Abstain-0, Absent-0


B.  Consider/Adopt -Resolution #13-02, Authorizing and Instructing Trinity County Title Company to record the individual grant deeds of APN#24-200-35 – There was short discussion on the funds.

MSC: Potter/Britton to adopt Resolution #13-02 as presented. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-5, Noes- 0, Abstain-0, Absent-0


C.  Discuss/Adopt-Resolution #13-03, Honoring Homer Zugg for his many years of service and recognizing his contributions to the Weaverville Fire Department. – Short discussion on presenting the Resolution to Pat Zugg at the December meeting.

MSC: Britton/Helsley to adopt Resolution #13-03 as presented.  Roll Call Vote: Ayes-5, Noes-0, Abstain-0, Absent-0.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: No Report

B.     Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report:

·        Presented flow chart to the Weaverville Fire Department Support Group – short discussion on the group, fund raisers, and the structure of the group and inclusion into the Department.  Discussion on Worker’s Comp. and cost-will be $500.00 a year and we are allowed to have up to 100 volunteers before the price increases.

·        CE Classes

·        USFS prescribed burn at 5 Cent Gulch – postponed until Thursday.

·        Heating and Air Project – will start the process with the down payments this warrant list.

·        Brown Estate funds- budget committee will meet regarding the distribution of these funds.

·        District has received one of the Fire Incident funds

·        Station 1 and 2 in good condition

·        Air compressor motor is fixed, however, it is leaking.  Scott will look into fixing that issue.

·        Meeting with John Bauer and a representative with Oshkosh Capital regarding a new engine.


C.    Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie Curran reported that the charger for 2151 is in.  He will be dismantling the bus.  He will build a small housing structure for the new heating and air units to keep them from the elements.  Scott Alvord reported that Keith is in Sacramento on a job, so Ted Pierce will be moving into Station 2 for a few months to take care of it until Keith comes back.  There was discussion putting the pick-up at Station 2 so Ted can respond straight from that station instead of driving down to station 2.

D.    Committee Reports:

1.      Recruitment Committee: (Britton, Helsley, Alvord, Corbett)-No Report

2.      Collections Committee: (Hammer, Owen, Guglielmina)-Receiving regular payments.

3.      Contract Committee: (Williams, Alvord, Guglielmina) –No Report

4.      Tuition Committee: (Potter, Alvord)- There are 3 volunteers interested in the academy.

5.      Budget committee: (Helsley, Potter, Alvord, Kormeier, Guglielmina)-Larry Helsley suggested the committee meet for a mid-year report, has not been done, feels it is a good idea to start back up.  Discussion on having the committee meet the same time for the Brown Estate and the mid-year report.  Would like it to be sometime in the first week of December.

E.     Director Reports: Larry Helsley suggested the Board think about a resolution for Dick and Joan Berrien for all of the contributions they have made to the Department and Museum.


VII.          PUBLIC COMMENT: None


IX.            ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:16 hours.



____________________________                                        ______________________________

George Owen, Chairman                                                     Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk